Space Clearing & Home Organization

Transforming the Energy of Your Home for More Joy, Health & Harmony

Space Clearing & Home Organization

Transforming the Energy of Your Home for More Joy, Health & Harmony

...Does the Energy in your Home feel ‘off’?

...Been feeling stuck or unmotivated?

...Overwhelmed with too much clutter?

My intention is to help energetically transform your home, release clutter & create a space that inspires you.

WHAT is Space CLEARing?

Space Clearing in an intuitive process that enhances the energetic flow and balance of a home or place of business. I am strengthened by the wisdom of my ancestors and spiritual guides while integrating ancient and modern practices. These encompass Indigenous and Feng Shui principles, Energy Medicine, and Love. This unique process establishes proper energy flow as my clients and their homes are rejuvenated from the inside out.

WHY is Space CLEARing Vital to Your Well-Being?

It’s a given that if your home or space has not been physically cleaned and disinfected in a long time, that space will look, smell, and feel dirty. It’s a similar concept and equally important to keep the ENERGY in your space clear.


Let’s see if Space Clearing is right for You…

Let’s see if Space Clearing is right for You…

These major events have a definite impact on our lives whether we acknowledge them or not.

Services Overview

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If you’re ready to release the stagnant energy in your home and activate more joy, health, abundance, clarity, and peace in your life and home, it’s time to schedule a free 15-minute Phone Consultation. I look forward to speaking with you!!

Hi, I’m Linda

The feeling of peace, joy, and clarity within your home is priceless. As a
Certified Energetic Space Clearer, Intuitive Lightworker, and Reiki attuned Empath, I am guided to help you clear your home of stagnant energy and residual imprints that may be stopping your flow of joy, health, and abundance.

Over the past 14 years as a Holistic Wellness Advocate, I’ve been passionate about helping others create more harmony in their homes…